Ava Setail
AVA Setail is looking to change the world of online retail and social media, forever. By bridging the gap between fashion brands, content creators, and shoppers, AVA has created a hub for the fashion community. There is an experience for every user, no matter their preferences!
Shopping Industry Today
We know that online shopping has grown at an incredibly fast pace over the last few years. But, shopping platforms haven’t kept up. As a result, there is a high cart abandonment rate and low conversions, which are damaging businesses. Ad blocking presents issues in getting the product into the customers’ thoughts. In addition, there are an overwhelming amount of products for the consumer. So many products that it can be stressful for shoppers searching for the right item to add to their closet. Shoppers are suffering from indecisiveness, and businesses are suffering from the inability to catch the attention of shoppers.
49% of the global internet population is blocking ads
2% of online shoppers actually complete their transactions
75-85% of online shopping carts are abandoned
$18 Billion e-commerce stores lose in sales revenue each year due to cart abandonment. Loss of $4 trillion in the industry annually
How AVA Setail makes a difference?
AVA Setail is here to turn these statistics around! We are an all-in-one personalized platform dedicated to today’s latest brands and the shoppers who love them. Through our one-stop-shop and innovative tech, users will enjoy browsing through both online and brick & mortar shops alongside their favorite influencers. The connection doesn’t stop there – users can connect with other shoppers and their friends to share, advise, like, comment, recommend, and most importantly, inspire!
We are here to not only make shopping easier, but build a community!
Real people can organically market products by sharing their favorite brands and items with friends, family, and fellow shoppers worldwide.
We emphasize collaborations.
By being on AVA, you are immersed in a collaborative environment. Brands, shoppers, and influencers easily bring in potential customers for businesses.
AVA is an all-in-one experience!

Stronger Together
Any store, big or small, can join the platform and manage their store however they want. We are dedicated to offering features that set them up for success: one check out screen, a social platform, automated partnerships, curated styles, shoppers, and influencers, all at your fingertips.
We lower the market expenses for businesses.
AVA enables new sales channels to reach buyers using influencer marketing in a way that has never been seen before! Discover untapped market segments. Connect & collaborate with stores and shoppers in a new, creative way.