Cart abandonment plagues the shopping industry, but we have found a solution that works for everyone!
Did you know?
- Cart abandonment on desktop is 70%, on mobile is 86%, and on tablets is 81%!
- On average, only 2% of shoppers complete transactions.
- Shopping cart abandonment causes an estimated $18 Billion worth of loss yearly revenue for eCommerce.
Why Do People Abandon their Carts?
1. The extra cost is too high! (55% of the reason the cart is abandoned)
How we resolve this issue:
A Simple checkout experience. AVA HAS one screen where shoppers select carts, and they see the total price directly. When shoppers are on a store's app or website and the final price is too high, they'll associate everything with this one result. They'll think it’s the same thing for all the other items you sell, and they might be put off of your website.
On AVA, if they see it's too high they might move on to the next cart they have, but as they keep shopping around, they might get a recommendation from your store, or on another shopper’s profile, or the feed. Even on their own profile they will be reminded of you. The cart will stay on their checkout screen until they delete it. They might like a particular item or just check out the item with a simple click, without going through the hassle of downloading an app or opening a browser and searching your store.
2. Account is required (34% of the reason the cart is abandoned)
How we resolve this issue:
On AVA, customers only need one account to shop at as many stores as they like. They enter their details just one time, then they can buy from a variety of stores. They no longer have to jump over the hurdle of remembering one of many usernames and passwords. The average internet user has 100 passwords. With AVA, shoppers don't have to remember a password for each app or website they visit. Plus, if they forgot their password for AVA, they can easily reset it, and they can keep shopping in seconds, making the experience a lot shorter and less frustrating.
3. Checkout is too long (26% of the reason the cart is abandoned)
How we resolve this issue:
On AVA, shoppers create carts from anywhere on the app, feed, home, stores, influencers, and fellow shoppers' profiles. They can go to the checkout screen, select or update carts they want to buy, pay at the click of a button, get receipts from stores they bought from and check the status of their order all in the app. One checkout screen and one order screen for multiple stores and receipts mean shoppers don’t have to keep up with their orders or have to go through a long and uncomfortable checkout experience.