Sharing Photos and Carts on Feed

Learn how to use your feed on AVA. Our feed connects you directly with every single user on AVA.

Posting is a great way of connecting with the world and sharing your carts.

  • 1. Click the ‘feed’ button
  • 2. Write your post
  • 3. Add images or carts
  • 4. Share!
  • 1. Click ‘view posts’ on your feed page
  • 2. Pick the post you’d like to edit or delete and click the three dots in the top right corner of the post.
  • 3. Click ‘edit’ or ‘delete’

To share on other platforms you need an account on the mobile app

  • 1. On the mobile app click on the post you’d like to share on other platforms
  • 2. Click the share button in the top right corner
  • 3. Click on the other platform you’d like to share it on or copy the link to post elsewhere